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How Can You Feel Sorry for People Who Get What They Deserve?

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AP Photo/Richard Vogel

I’m sorry, but I’m having an extremely difficult time having any empathy for the people of Los Angeles and California. They voted for this, and elections have consequences, especially when you put into office utterly evil, vile, incompetent people who care only about their own power and petty fiefdoms, and who are too irresponsible—or evil—or both—to understand the eternal principles of right and wrong and common sense that God put into place to govern humanity.  And that last sentence describes California politicians to a “T”.  And has for decades.


So again, I’m struggling to find sympathy for the citizens of that state.  I’ve been trying to teach people history for most of my life.  I spent a decade in California teaching history to college students at two different schools (and I obviously did a terrible job of it), and I’m not going to let Gavin Newsom blame me, like he’s trying to blame everybody but himself, for his own ineptitude, depravity, and total lack of virtue.  It’s not like the history of the Left-wing Democratic Party’s record of incompetence, ineffectiveness, and evil, and the consequences thereof, doesn’t exist for all to see.  There is NO excuse for stupidity, and I don’t feel sorry for people who have eyes to see but simply refuse to open them and look.  “To learn, you have to listen.  To improve, you have to try,” Thomas Jefferson wrote, and it is virtually impossible to see any of that in any blue state, and especially in that Sewer by the Sea on the West Coast of America.  

Jefferson also said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.”  And, “experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.”  Folks, Jefferson said this stuff over 200 years ago.  How long does it take people to learn?  Will we EVER learn (some obviously never do or will).  What is the purpose of history if not to demonstrate to us what excellence is, how to succeed, how to avoid failure, how to understand that power in the hands of foul tyrants will result in horrible calamities and catastrophes that will ruin the lives of countless millions?  


Is there ANYBODY in California who knows the first thing about history, how to read and understand it?  Well, I know Victor Davis Hanson is out there, Colonel Kurt still lives there, Thomas Sowell remains in that cesspool (I think).  And indeed, I lived 15 years of my life there.  Now, I will unequivocally say that I met some very, very wonderful people in California (many of whom have since, wisely, moved out).  Some of the best friends I ever had, and some of the best people I’ve ever known, come from my days in California.  I might not be alive today if it weren’t for two incomparable people in California who cared infinitely about me 25 years ago when I had cancer, who spent their own time and money to travel with me, more than once, to M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston for my treatments, and helped me every way they could.  Not everybody in California is Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, or Karen Bass.  And I want to make that abundantly clear.  

But sadly, tragically, heart-breakingly, the majority of people in that state have been swept along by the decadent, garbage lies of Democratic Party Leftism, and such actions eventually have consequences.  “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap” (Galatians 6:7).  And when that attempted mockery of God is multiplied by millions of people, the harvest sown and reaped will indeed be horrendous.

I tried to help them, as many as I could.  And others like Hanson, Schlichter, Sowell, et al, have as well, and done much more than I ever did.  But the Left is powerful, and most people can’t—or don’t, or won’t—think for themselves.  The devil looks like an angel (II Corinthian 11:14), and wolves often dress up like sheep.  The simple and naive are fooled by these Pied Pipers of Perdition, and the latter’s name is Legion.  And the American people almost—ALMOST—elected one of them President.  Nearly 75 million Americans voted for Harris.  We’ve still got a lot of work to do, folks.  


In California, the name of the Left is “huge majority.”  And the result of their mindless following of monstrous fiends is to have their largest city burn with the fires of hell.  Yeah, I do feel sorry for them, that is, the decent people in California who have tried, and are trying, to save their state.  But, I don’t feel sorry for those who voted for Newsom, Pelosi, Bass, Waters, and a myriad of other gargoyle Democratic Party greedy, selfish, evil parasitic politicians who do nothing but feed off the flesh of the masses and suck their bones dry.  And do it deliberately and knowingly.  The people of California have no one to blame but themselves.  I warned them, and I am still trying to warn them, as often as I can, in my writings.  I won’t listen to any excuses for, or from, them.  Their plight is theirs, and theirs alone.  

And they have only one choice if they want to save themselves—turn back to God and virtue, listen to history, and reject, totally, completely, thoroughly, and ruthlessly the Gavin Newsoms of their state who are, and will continue, to destroy their homes and lives.  I can’t do that for them.  Nobody can but themselves.

Subscribe to my substacks: “Mark It Down! (mklewis929.substack.com), and “Mark It Down! Bible Substack” (mklbibless.substack.com) for Founding Fathers, current events, history, Christian evidences, etc.  Both free.  Follow me on “X”:  @thailandmkl.  Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  


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