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Pardon Every Single J6 Political Prisoner – Every Single One

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AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File

Hey, did you hear about that Trump-loving J6 couple who threw a bomb and permanently injured a cop? He got five years. His wife got no years. Yeah, those J6ers really got off easy. Oh, wait, my mistake. They were not J6 defendants. They were a couple of Antifa scumbags who were mad because conservative commentator Michael Knowles was going to speak about transgender baloney. Instead of being treated with the same scorn and harshness that the J6 defendants have been, this federal judge actually said they were something along the lines of very fine people. How many years do you think a J6 defendant would get if he permanently injured a cop with a bomb? About a million. But there’s a vital difference. The Biden Administration (sic) likes Antifa terrorists and hates patriots.


The fact is we have a dual-track justice system, which is intolerable. That means we must not tolerate it. That means we must not accept it. That means we must not pretend that any verdict rendered by it is fair or valid. That means we must not allow the people who imposed it upon us in order to silence us, intimidate us, and exact vengeance upon us for the crime of defying them to succeed. 

All of the J6 prosecutions are illegitimate, not because the actions of the J6 defendants are all pristine – the vast majority are guilty only of thinking that as part of the People, they had a right to walk through the People’s House – but because they were not treated exactly the same way as those politically aligned with the people persecuting them. And there is no way to undo the taint of the two-tier justice system. There are reports that President Trump will commute sentences to get people out of prison, then follow up with a pardon “process” to evaluate each conviction. No, no, no. Every conviction – every single one, including those by people forced to plead guilty (and they were forced) – is tainted by the actions of the DOJ, the actions of biased judges, and the fact that the venue in DC was manifestly unjust. No J6 conviction can stand. Every conviction was unfair and unjust.

Donald Trump must undo this grave injustice. He must pardon every single J6 defendant/political prisoner – every single one of them (and no, I don’t mean the government flunkies). I don’t care if they walked through the rotunda taking selfies. I don’t care if they looted Nancy Pelosi’s vast booze stockpile. I don’t even care if they slugged a cop. Leftists beat up cops – and worse – all over the country during the riots after the death of that scumbag drug addict felon, and they were not treated exactly the same way as the J6ers. Their charges were dismissed or minimized. They got breaks and excused. They weren’t subject to Javert-like persecutions by deep state Democrats, which included being arrested by SWAT teams, held without bail for extended periods, tortured in the DC jails, charged with crimes that were not crimes, “defended” by leftist public defenders who wanted to see them convicted, tried by judges who had already demonstrated their bias, convicted by partisan 95%+ Democrat DC juries, and sentenced to ridiculously long prison terms.


The savage cruelty and maliciousness of the corrupt Department of Justice and FBI must be repudiated. President Donald Trump must pardon every single one of their victims. There is no other alternative. There is no compromise. Anything less than a total repudiation of this pogrom validates the unspeakable evil perpetrated upon these patriotic citizens. And that’s not all. President Trump should also apologize to them on behalf of the American people and government, as well as direct the Department of Justice to settle their multimillion-dollar civil rights claims without litigation. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It all starts with pardoning every single one of them on Day One of the Trump 2.0 administration. Not commuting – commuting implies some validity to the convictions – but pardoning, because prosecutions that are unjust cannot stand in whole or part, and every single one in those kangaroo courts was unjust.

The left will cry, and that’s good. They need to lose. They need to see what they’ve done come to naught. And they need to be held accountable. The government employees who were behind these atrocities  the prosecutors, the FBI agents, the brutal prison guard thugs – must all be identified and must all be prosecuted where appropriate – unlike them, we are not going to frame or coerce our opponents. We are going to hold them accountable. We cannot let this go. We cannot let this pass. And we certainly cannot abandon the people who have been tortured not because of what they allegedly did but because of who they voted for.


It is a feature and not a bug that the Democrats and the regime media lackeys will be outraged by this righteous act of justice. They need to be angry and shown that they cannot win. This is an important object lesson. The J6 vendetta was a disgraceful crime far exceeding the fake crimes in American history – like “McCarthyism” – the leftists always whine about. But there will also be Republicans who are going to cry about this, and they’re wrong to do so. They’re wrong to do so because the vital issue is not whether some individual went too far on January 6. This is about a systemic persecution of American citizens not resulting from an individualized consideration of their exact circumstances but simply because they were affiliated with the out-of-power party. You cannot tolerate this in a free society. If you do tolerate this, it stops being a free society. 

And to tolerate this because of some lame cliche like “respecting the rule of law” is ridiculous – these prosecutions themselves are a direct assault upon the rule of law. To give these charges and convictions any credibility at all, whether the person is accused of trespassing or punching a flatfoot, is to accept a two-tier justice system. That’s why the notion that people convicted of “violence” should not be pardoned is so misguided. To accept the validity of any J6 judicial proceeding is to accept that these biased, tyrannical prosecutions could ever generate a just result. A two-tier justice system targeting our people in a biased venue in front of biased judges via misapplied statutes can never deliver a just result. None of the proceedings undertaken against these J6 defendants could ever be just. Every single prosecution was and is absolutely corrupt. Every single trial verdict was fatally tainted. Every guilty plea was presumptively coerced. 


None of them can be upheld. To try to pick and choose between the allegedly deserving and allegedly undeserving J6 defendants ignores the reality that every single conviction is morally tainted and must be undone. The only way to obtain justice is by pardoning every single one of them – and then paying them compensation for the gross violations of their civil rights.

As a practical matter, every single one of them must also be pardoned immediately because going through a process of picking and choosing between them to decide who is worthy will take time. These citizens have all suffered enough from this injustice. An allegedly deserving J6 defendant should not wait one more second for his unjust conviction to be washed away and his life to be allowed to begin again while staffers pour over court records trying to pick and choose between who should be pardoned and who shouldn’t be based on some arbitrary criteria, while implicitly assuming that this two-tier justice system could ever be just. If you accept the deserving/undeserving paradigm – which I do not – it is still better that ten allegedly undeserving defendants be pardoned than one deserving defendant spend one single additional day in jail or be burdened by an unjust conviction.

So, the President must pardon every single one of them on January 20.

The New Rules require these pardons as well. Joe Biden has already pardoned his scumbag son, as well as commuted the sentences of 1,300 criminals, including perverts, spies, and even a cartoonishly villainous judge who took kickbacks to imprison kids in a private reformatory. It is almost certain President Demento  or whoever is making decisions for him because, at this point, he’s a human eggplant – will pardon a whole bunch of other scumbags in his inner circle, as well as trash like Liz Cheney and Anthony Fauci. But that’s OK. Their undeserved pardons would provide cover from the whiners for the J6 pardons.


President Trump cannot face his own supporters having let his own people rot while actual criminals who are Democrats get off free. President Trump should rip off the bandage and pardon every single one of them just as soon as he takes his hand off the Bible. By doing it all at once, he will create a media firestorm focused on the pardons that will draw attention away from the dozens of other vital, but potentially controversial, things that he will do that first day. As his enemies focus their fire on the pardons, all the other important stuff will slip through the cracks.

The dual-track justice system of the last four years is intolerable, and what is intolerable must not be tolerated. To do anything but pardon every single one of the J6 defendants is to tolerate this disgusting and disgraceful campaign of persecution. The entire leftist jihad against J6 protesters is tainted and has been illegitimate from the start and throughout. To allow this charade to continue is an injustice to the President's supporters who have been persecuted, and it is an insult to the United States of America and our Constitution. The Founders, in their wisdom, provided a means for the President to undo this kind of malicious prosecution, and he should absolutely exercise it. The screams and moans of the Democrats and their regime media flunkies will only make doing the right thing that much sweeter.

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