The one statewide Republican incumbent who managed to survive the recent Democratic onslaught is Colorado Attorney General John Suthers. With federal intrusion a constant source of angst among state legislature and voters, Suthers is well positioned to protect the state’s sovereign integrity and the rule of law.
When Suthers was recently questioned about his state’s involvement in a multi-state lawsuit filed to overturn the mandates in the new federal healthcare law, he responded, “We have to preserve federalism and protect our individual constitutional rights.” For the past six years, Suthers has been on the frontline protecting the rights of Centennial State voters from the evils wielded by an over-reaching and ever-growing federal government.
Suthers was appointed to the office in 2005, after serving as U.S attorney for the District of Colorado for 4 years. Following a noteworthy two-year stint as attorney general, Suthers successfully ran for the office in 2006. Since then, insiders have credited his work ethic and his political and fundraising acumen for setting him up as a solid favorite in his November re-election bid.
With more than 31 years of experience in private practice, national and local positions, and as attorney general, Suthers is able to tout significant accomplishments that resonate with voters such as protecting children from Internet predators, reducing mortgage and foreclose fraud and taking legal action to prosecute those responsible for some of the largest hazardous waste sites in Colorado.
As Colorado’s Attorney General, Suthers is quick to tout his environmental record, including his representation of the Centennial State in the region’s notorious water debates. “We've done a very good job protecting Colorado's water interests. These fights go on forever, and we need to be diligent in making sure those interests are protected in the future,” Suthers said.
Then, there is the liberal-driven health care reform battle. Suthers’ stance is clear, federal intrusion will not be permitted. “The individual mandate to purchase insurance or suffer economic sanction violates constitutional principles and lacks constitutional authority,” Suthers said when he joined the lawsuit in March.
This year’s Attorney General’s race pits Suthers against Democrat Stan Garnett. Fundraising, while always crucial in any political contest, is a particularly strong indicator of success in a statewide race. According to the latest filings, Suthers maintains more than a two-to-one fundraising advantage with $429,000 raised to Garnett’s $195,000. In the cash-on-hand tally, Suthers has a whopping six-to-one advantage with $297,000 to Garnett’s $50,000. With party affiliation split roughly three ways, this cash advantage and Suthers’ name recognition could be the key to keeping the independent voters lining up behind Suthers (and with luck, behind some of his ticket-mates).
If Colorado is to return to its conservative, independent roots, it is vital that Suthers remain the Centennial State’s Attorney General. By protecting the rule of law and the sovereign integrity of the individual states and their voters, conservatives like John Suthers can bring big government to its knees.
To learn more about John Suthers’ bid for re-election in Colorado, visit
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