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What If?

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AP Photo/Ethan Swope

DEI is premised on anyone being able do anything—until something goes wrong.

I grew up in a beautiful suburb of Chicago, Wilmette. It was a quiet place, where many of the people there used the train to go into town for work. When I used to go to my dad’s office at the University of Illinois, I noted that in the morning, most of those exiting the train were black or Hispanic. They worked in Wilmette at all kinds of jobs. Those going into the city were generally white and were dressed with jackets and ties. In the evening, the phenomenon was reversed.


One of the features of a small town like Wilmette is the annual “Be Mayor for a Day” that they have for I believe it was local 5th graders. Some lucky kid got to sit in the mayor’s big chair and act like he was running the joint. Pictures always made their way into local newspapers, and I would not be surprised if some of those youngsters majored in Government when they went off to college.

Imagine the kid sitting in the big chair with a bank of telephones on the desk. The reigning mayor says that he is going across the street to get a sandwich. While he is gone and the boy is alone with his beaming parents, there is a tornado that wipes out half of the town. The phones are ringing and everybody wants instructions and assistance. The terrified child tries to hide under the table because he realizes that he is in over his head.

The above example would pretty much summarize DEI. The basic idea is that pretty much anybody can do any job, and in such a case, we need to do some retroactive justice, so let’s give it not necessarily to the most accomplished candidate but rather to the one with the right skin color, sexual orientation, or location of origin. And for most cases they would be right. The problem comes when you have an emergency, as you almost always will have one. And then you need the expert, and you don’t have him. Let’s think about what if….

*There had been no major attack in southern Israel by Hamas. In the case of Claudine Gay, she would be sailing through her second year as Harvard president. She would be collecting big checks for the university, and everywhere she goes she would be feted as the black woman wonder president of the greatest university in the galaxy.


*Joe Biden had kept running. We knew of Kamala Harris’ word salads and lack of critical thinking skills. But being thrust into the spotlight, she wilted even under friendly questioning. Twice when asked if she would have done things differently than her boss, she said no. Had she lost as vice-president, she might still have had some political career in front of her.

*There had been no big fires in California. None of us would know who Karen Bass is. We also would not have been treated to the completely incompetent trio at the head of the LAFD. We would be unaware of the water manager who drained a critical reservoir last year and never told the fire department. These DEI failures would be enjoying their six-figure salaries, and Gavin Newsom would be planning his 2028 White House Bid.

*Boeing planes did not fall out of the sky or lose doors or wheels. We would not have known that the company put DEI before engineering safety. We would not know that Boeing put profits over safety, and the result is a near weekly plane problem.

*No one had shot at Donald Trump. We would still have thought that being a Secret Service agent was cool. But in seeing the Seven Dwarfs try to protect their gargantuan candidate, we saw how incapable they really were. One Clint Eastwood wannabe could not holster her gun.

*The exit from Afghanistan had not cost lives and equipment or billion dollar ships had not collided or been burned to destruction. We would not have known that our woke armed forces are fighting pronouns and not terrorists or future nation-state threats. We would not have known about the colonels in drag and the missing thousands of recruits who are not willing to die for them.


This list is not complete but what we have learned is that the DEI figureheads fail when there is an emergency and there is almost always an emergency. I was disappointed when New Yorkers replaced Mike Bloomberg with the buffoon Bill DeBlasio. Because the city was so clean, so relatively crime-free and so successful under Bloomberg, they figured that anyone could be mayor. And the city then started its descent which continues today. My wife was there last week and her friend said that nobody rides the subway. Mrs. DeBlasio still has not accounted for $800 million given to her charge.

When you think about the “Miracle on the Hudson”, there were probably only a handful of pilots at the time who could have grasped the situation, gone through the options, and then decided upon the best course of action and nailed it perfectly. Nobody died and injuries were light. Our DEI pilot would have gotten everyone on the plane killed and had the river renamed after him posthumously.

DEI is a luxury that rich countries can afford to play. In sports, there is no DEI, as there is too much money at stake. Picture the NFL requiring each team to have a starting gay quarterback. You could shut the league the following year. But the rich countries can put incompetents in charge and simply waste billions cleaning up their messes. Joe Biden twice said that his top priority was to choose a black woman: for VP and for the Supreme Court. He never mentioned their needing to be good at what they do.


DEI is costing billions and lives. $50 billion and 16 dead at this time in LA. We can’t afford it anymore. We need competent people, and the vast majority of normal Americans do not care if it’s a man or a woman, the color of skin or sexual orientation. We want the job done right. We don’t need participation trophies or feel-good stories of hiring X because it’s the first male lesbian in history. Enough. We want performance and safety. DEI has become DIE and we don’t want it anymore. 

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