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The Enemy of My Enemy Is Still My Enemy

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AP Photo/Ethan Swope

Some Palestinians are rejoicing at the California inferno. No surprise there.

Abu Ali Express has brought on his English-language Telegram account several postings from Palestinians in which they express their utter joy at the destruction caused by the fires in California. They show pictures of completely burned-out neighborhoods and, of course, try to compare the images to Gaza. If there was an Olympic event for the worst people, the Palestinians could take gold. One of their supporters blamed Israel for the fires.


Let’s think about the situation. There is no more blue state in the US than California. In the state, Los Angeles is the most left-leaning area. Within Los Angeles, the area being destroyed by fire probably voted 80% Democrat. These are the neighborhoods where if you needed to find a pro-Hamas person, you would have a high likelihood of succeeding. If any area in the US was the most sympathetic to Palestinians’ self-inflicted suffering, it would be the people who lived in those now destroyed houses. Yet, the Palestinians are thrilled to see these people lose their homes and personal belongings.

Imagine two burglars entering two adjacent houses one night. The first thief is conventional and steals anything that he can either use or fence. Jewelry, silverware, electronics—anything that could be of value is taken. The guy next door is different. He enters and begins to destroy things. He smashes mirrors and breaks the legs on a table. He tears up mattresses and floods the basement. In the morning, our first thief is on his way to sell his booty to make some spending money. Our second burglar has nothing to show for his nocturnal activities except his watching the owners of the home crying on their front lawn. They are distraught. Police are called, and the destroyed furniture is removed. No doubt, they or their insurance will have to splurge to replace the damaged items.


This analogy describes the Palestinians perfectly. They have zero benefit from the destruction in LA. They may actually lose out, if people who donated to their causes now do not have the free cash to send along as they did in the past. I try to imagine a young woman at Columbia. She has not missed a pro-Hamas rally and hates all of those icky Zionists and Israelis. Yesterday, she got a call from her parents to say that the house is gone. All of their possessions went up in smoke, as did her beloved horse, whom they could not save due to the intense heat. This dejected student mopes around until she sees a Palestinian posting to social media that rejoices in the fire damage. The same people she has been supporting day in and day out are thrilled at her loss.

And this is the real story of the Palestinians. During the intifada, it was very hard for Palestinians to get passes to leave Gaza and enter Israel. One woman who had such a pass for medical reasons was recruited by Hamas to bring a bomb into Israel. There is a video of the Israelis stopping her in a no man’s land between Gaza and Israel and demanding that she take off her outer clothing. She did and there was the bomb for all to see. In another case, a Gazan was allowed to bring her son to Israel for treatment of some illness. Her story was covered by an Israeli news team. After multiple visits, the child was cured. In the final episode broadcast on local television, the mother was asked what she hopes that her now healthy son should grow up to be. “A shaheed”--a martyr. Israelis were shocked by her desire to see her son kill them after the kindness shown to them.


The Palestinian people have no desire for anything good. They don’t want a state. Even Bill Clinton admits that they were offered one and turned it down—several times. They are doing nothing to build the infrastructure for statehood. Rather, their pleasure is to see Israelis/Jews suffer. When they commit an attack, they gain no territory. They receive no extra money. Rather, their joy comes in seeing a very sad funeral. They hand out sweets in the knowledge that some widow is sitting on the floor, weeping uncontrollably. They thrill at the sight of little children saying the kaddish prayer over their deceased father. Thus, they are happy that the very people who would be their closest ideological allies have lost everything. There was no question that Kamala Harris was the candidate closest to the Palestinian world view. But since she did not show pure hatred towards Israel and was VP when the US was sending critical weaponry to its ally, she was hated by Palestinians in the US and their supporters. Unless you totally hate the Jews, you are not good enough for them. Their joy in the California cataclysm is by association: the US gives money and weapons to Israel and those who lost their houses live in the US. Therefore, we are happy for their loss.


But there is something that the Palestinians will never understand. It’s like the joke of a man and woman screaming at each other in a bar. “You’re ugly!” “You’re drunk!” “You’re right, but I’ll be sober in the morning."  The people who lost their homes will rebuild. Even those who have lost loved ones will move on in their lives. One of the most poignant moments during the carnage of the second intifada was the murder of an American doctor and his daughter the night before her wedding. During the painful funeral, the groom poignantly threw the wedding band into the grave after his dead bride. Some time later, there were reports in the local news that he was engaged once again and on his way to marry. The Palestinians will remain in their loser ways while those they harmed or those whose suffering they enjoyed will move on. The Palestinians are like the lying mother in the story of King Solomon. When she said to cut the baby in half, the wise king knew that the other was his real mother. The Palestinians strive for nothing other than seeing other people suffer.

The world will move on from the Palestinians. They will live in their hellscape of Gaza and their third world towns in the West Bank. The world is tired of their victimhood. The Abraham Accords was a slap in the face: countries that waited 70 years to work with Israel had had enough of the Palestinian story. The world will move on from them and they will remain in their hate-filled lives.


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