
'Weakness Is on Display': New Trump Video Hits Biden for Botched Response to Pro-Hamas Unrest

The Trump campaign — in conjunction with the Republican National Committee and Republican Jewish Coalition — is out with a new video taking Biden to task for his botched response to pro-Hamas unrest spreading across the country and contrasting Biden's failures with the way Trump handled antisemitism.  

Biden, who has said he understands the "passion" of antisemitic, anti-Israel agitators who have "a point," is contrasted with former President Trump's pro-Israel policies matched with cracking down on pro-terrorist violence in the U.S.

"When I get back into office, I will put every single university and college president on notice," Trump says in the video. "The American taxpayer will not subsidize the creation of terrorist sympathizers on American soil."

The Trump campaign's national press secretary Karoline Leavitt noted in a statement that it "took Joe Biden weeks to even talk about the Biden Campus Protests, and he refused to outright condemn the pro-Hamas, pro-genocide mobs — and the sad truth is that he needs their votes." 

Leavitt blamed the "violent, antisemitic riots" on "Joe Biden's failed foreign policy" that "enabled Iran, which led to the war in Israel."

"Americans can rest secure in the fact that on day one, President Trump will restore peace through strength abroad, and demand law and order at home," Leavitt pledged.

Matt Brooks, CEO of the RJC, pointed to surging "antisemitism and anti-Israel extremism" around the country and emphasized that "the Jewish community needs President Donald J. Trump back in the White House" because the "stakes could not be higher."

"In these dark and dangerous days for the United States and our ally Israel, we know President Trump will boldly lead with moral clarity as he has done before, fighting the scourge of antisemitism and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the Jewish state," Brooks said. 

"Joe Biden’s weakness is on display for all the world to see as he refuses to condemn the antisemitic violence on college campuses and continues to backtrack on his support for Israel," RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said in a statement accompanying the video. "As chaos envelopes[sic] the world, this is no time for ambiguity – we need President Donald J. Trump back in office to restore order, support our critical ally, Israel, and bring peace through strength once more," the RNC chairman declared.