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Tlaib to Hamas: Come on In, Guys

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

This is the easiest vote ever to grace the House floor in recent memory: should we bar Hamas terrorists from entering the United States?  More specifically, any Hamas terrorist who was involved in executing the heinous October 7 attacks against Israel last year. This was an easy layup for lawmakers, with Congress and the country being as intensely partisan as ever. It virtually got unanimous support, and the fact that it didn’t makes this vote even more disturbing. Two lawmakers voted against the legislation: Reps. Cori Bush (D-MO) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MN). I know, shocking, but also not really (via Fox News): 


"Squad" Democrats Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo. and  Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. were the only two representatives who voted against a bill barring Hamas terrorists from entering the United States.

The bill, HR 6679, which was also called the "No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act," expanded a U.S. ban on Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) officers to include all PLO members. 

The bill, which was introduced by Rep. Tom McClintock, [R-California.,] also barred Hamas members and other participants in the Oct. 7 attack from the U.S. 

The legislation states that any person who "participated in, planned, financed, afforded material support to, or otherwise facilitated" the October 7 attack on Israel or attacks after that, "shall be ineligible for any relief under the immigration laws." 

"Any alien who carried out, participated in, planned, financed, afforded material support to, or otherwise facilitated any of the attacks against Israel initiated by Hamas beginning on October 7, 2023, is inadmissible," the bill states. 

While 422 members of the House voted to pass the bill, three far-left members voted either against the bill or voted present. 

Bush and Tlaib voted against the bill while Rep. Delia Ramirez, D-Ill., voted present. 


These bills offer some relief to Hill staffers because they’re no-brainer votes. From chiefs of staff to communications directors, these votes are a godsend since they’re easy, there’s no blowback, and winners come election season: I voted to keep Hamas out of the country. Tlaib and Bush decided to express their membership in the nutjob caucus proudly. The good news is that this bill passed. 

When you look back, it’s not jarring in the least. Talib rehashed fake news about the Israeli military striking a hospital in the Gaza Strip at the outset of the Hamas-Israel war, where bodies were all over the place. As it turned out, it was the terrorists who struck the facility from an errant rocket strike fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad. There’s video evidence to corroborate the blast, but publications, like The New York Times, ran with Hamas propaganda and got burned. Tlaib repackaged these lies and attended protests on the Hill that called for a ceasefire. She smirked when asked about beheaded Israeli babies murdered by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and tried to explain how the chant ‘from the river to the sea’ is not a call for Jewish genocide.

There are crazy lefty loons on the Hill—even they supported this bill. Folks who want these people to enter the United States knowingly practice a special breed of incompetence.


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