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Could Texas Ban ‘Gender Nonconforming’ Teachers From Schools?

Richard Alan Hannon/The Advocate via AP

Over the weekend, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in remarks at a conference that he wants to “end” people who think they are “transgender” from being in schools. 


Footage of Abbott’s remarks was shared by Steven Monacelli with The Texas Observer. Reportedly, it occurred at the Young Conservatives of Texas Convention. 

According to ABC 13, Abbott’s statement came as he was discussing a male teacher in Lewisville, Texas, who was showing up to his job dressed as a woman. 

"This person, a man dressing as a woman in a public high school in the state of Texas, they're trying to normalize the concept that this type of behavior is okay. This type of behavior is not okay. This is the type of behavior we want to make sure we end in the state of Texas," the governor said in his remarks.

In February, Townhall covered how a Texas teacher who was filmed cross-dressing at school was placed on administrative leave after a video of his extravagant Valentine’s Day outfit was circulated by Libs of TikTok. 


The teacher, Rachmad Tjachyadi, teaches chemistry at Hebron High School in Lewisville. 

According to the New York Post, Tjachyadi wore an “all-out pink dress and cowboy hat” on Valentine’s Day at the school. A video of the outfit was posted on X (formerly known as Twitter).

Libs of TikTok claimed that the teacher has a fetish for wearing women’s clothing.

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