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One Sport Takes a Stand to Protect Female Competitors From So-Called ‘Trans’ Athletes

A biological male who believes that he is a “transgender woman” will no longer be permitted to compete against women, according to new rules unveiled by NXXT Golf.


“Effective immediately, competitors must be a biological female at birth to participate. This decision underscores the organization’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of women's professional golf and ensuring fair competition,” the organization wrote in a statement published on Friday. 

NXXT Golf CEO Stuart McKinnon added that the decision shows that the organization is committed to protecting the integrity of women’s sports. 

“Our revised policy is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to celebrating and protecting the achievements and opportunities of female athletes,” McKinnon explained. “Protected categories are a fundamental aspect of sports at all levels, and it is essential for our Tour to uphold these categories for biological females, ensuring a level playing field.”

To recap, Townhall covered how the male athlete, Hailey Davidson, 30, won the NXXT Women’s Classic on Jan. 17 at the Mission Inn Resort and Club northwest of Orlando, Florida. Predictably, Davidson’s win sparked backlash, with many pointing out that men have physical advantages over women when it comes to sports, such as larger muscles, lung capacity, can run faster, etc. 


Davidson later reacted to the backlash, claiming that those who were upset about “her” win have “misinformed hatred.”

In a follow-up interview, Davidson claimed that he only had an advantage in sports against women before he “transitioned” to living as a woman. 

“I 100 percent agree, the men do have advantages. Say you get a trans person on hormones for a year, no surgery, nothing, of course, for the most part, they’re going to have an advantage,” Davidson said, adding that he doesn’t believe that transgender people should be banned from sports. 

“I don’t get what the fear of me, one person, is doing,” he added.

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