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Watch: Pro-Israel Democrat Rips Hamas-Sympathizing Heckler as a 'Disgrace,' Right to His Face

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

A satisfying exchange, in which stalwart Israel defender Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) calmly disposes of garbage arguments from "pro-Palestinian" agitators chasing him around with a camera.  They throw all of their lies at Torres in the span of approximately two minutes, and he refuses to back down an inch.  He calls out their falsehoods and labels the primary pro-Hamas propagandist a "disgrace" as he matter-of-factly procures a cup of coffee, then heads back to work.  The Congressman even gets the last word in, as the elevator doors close, correctly lambasting the "lie" that Israel is supposedly using starvation as a 'weapon of war' and so-called 'genocide.'  


There is no "genocide," being attempted or perpetrated by the Israelis, despite the purposeful, deceitful, and chronic abuse of that term by the Hamas crowd.  It's refreshing to see Torres state that fact forthrightly, much to the chagrin of his performatively incredulous attempted tormentors:    

The man behind the camera denies that he supports Hamas -- but when you ingest and spew Hamas propaganda, while repeatedly lying about the Jewish state's self-defense, you effectively support Hamas.  On the "point" about claimed starvation (blamed on Israel, of course, rather than the terrorists who started this war, and who steal humanitarian aid as a matter of course), here are the facts, which contradict poor, biased Washington Post reporting:


The fanatically anti-Israel United Nations, and especially terrorist-infiltrated UNRWA, must hate seeing their own data being marshaled to disprove Hamas talking points.  It reminds me of when Al Jazeera inadvertently helped disprove the appalling slander that Israel bombed a hospital, a lie that several members of Congress repeated.  Then there's the "genocide" shrieking, which is disgustingly dishonest, often rooted in bogus numbers spread by the terrorists themselves.  People who repeat this claim need to be called out as the liars and ignoramuses they are:

This is the Newsweek analysis I cited, authored by the chair of urban warfare studies at West Point's Modern War Institute:

In their criticism, Israel's opponents are erasing a remarkable, historic new standard Israel has set. In my long career studying and advising on urban warfare for the U.S. military, I've never known an army to take such measures to attend to the enemy's civilian population, especially while simultaneously combating the enemy in the very same buildings. In fact, by my analysis, Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history—above and beyond what international law requires and more than the U.S. did in its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The international community, and increasingly the United States, barely acknowledges these measures while repeatedly excoriating the IDF for not doing enough to protect civilians—even as it confronts a ruthless terror organization holding its citizens hostage. Instead, the U.S. and its allies should be studying how they can apply the IDF's tactics for protecting civilians, despite the fact that these militaries would almost certainly be extremely reluctant to employ these techniques because of how it would disadvantage them in any fight with an urban terrorist army like Hamas.

...In many ways, Israel has had to abandon this established playbook in order to prevent civilian harm. The IDF has telegraphed almost every move ahead of time so civilians can relocate, nearly always ceding the element of surprise. This has allowed Hamas to reposition its senior leaders (and the Israel hostages) as needed through the dense urban terrain of Gaza and the miles of underground tunnels it's built...Israel gave warning, in some cases for weeks, for civilians to evacuate the major urban areas of northern Gaza before it launched its ground campaign in the fall. The IDF reported dropping over 7 million flyers, but it also deployed technologies never used anywhere in the world, as I witness firsthand on a recent trip to Gaza and southern Israel. Israel has made over 70,000 direct phones calls, sent over 13 million text messages and left over 15 million pre-recorded voicemails to notify civilians that they should leave combat areas, where they should go, and what route they should take. They deployed drones with speakers and dropped giant speakers by parachute that began broadcasting for civilians to leave combat areas once they hit the ground. They announced and conducted daily pauses of all operations to allow any civilians left in combat areas to evacuate.


This is precisely the opposite of "genocide," and anyone who continues to hurl that accusation at Israel (as opposed to at the explicitly genocidal leaders of Hamas) is displaying their ignorance, at best -- or their bigotry and pro-terrorism mendacity, at worst.  The gulf between fake, purported "genocide," and the genocidal words and actions of Hamas is striking.  Yet the word is wielded endlessly by the defenders of Hamas.  These vile miscreants continue to openly demonstrate the depths of their depravity on a regular basis.  They are a collection of Islamists, Communists, radical leftists and myriad despisers of America and Western civilization. It is good and right to be on the side of Israel, and on the side against these cringeworthy-to-awful characters:


There is something darkly fitting about Raskin trying to give a speech about 'the threat to reason,' only to be shouted down by his own side's lunatics, to the point that the event was canceled.  And after this embarrassment occurred, the leader of the left-dominated host institution praised the speech-crushing disruption as "democracy and free speech and academic freedom."  The death of reason, indeed.  Since we began the post by highlighting one Congressman Democrat who refuses to knuckle under to the screaming and growing anti-civilization contingent in his party's base, I'll leave you with another:

Also, don't expect to see any coherent thoughts from the debased and moronic 'Queers for Palestine' fools, and their ilk, on this sickening development:


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