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Top Sportscaster Disagreed With Harrison Butker's Address the Right Way

AP Photo/Charlie Riedel

He’s the kicker for the Kansas City Chiefs, folks. He’s not the face of the franchise, though he has undoubtedly contributed to the team’s success. Harrison Butker is being raked over the coals by the Left for his traditions-based commencement speech at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. It’s led to a meltdown that perfectly captured the addiction to victimhood that courses through the veins of liberal America. The speech is over. He delivered it. People weren’t happy. Are we done now? Past alumnae and even former Kansas City Chiefs cheerleaders voiced their outrage on social media. 


The NFL Network's Rich Eisen and his wife, Suzy Shuster, were also not pleased with the remarks. The former ESPN sportscaster spoke highly of Shuster, noting how she is an ace in balancing her career and family. Yet, while not fans of the address, the couple didn’t have a meltdown. Shuster even noted that she has many friends who opted to become homemakers, and that choice shouldn’t be attacked either. It was a fair takedown of Butker’s address, which is the key difference.

Albert Breer added further comment: 

I’m with Rich Eisen and Suzy 100%. I know great moms who stay at home, and that’s fantastic. I also know my own mom set such an amazing example for me and my brother by working AND being an amazing parent, one my wife is setting for our kids now.

I really believe great parenting happens in a lot of different ways. It happens by being there with the kids, yes. It also happens by giving them a roadmap and trying to show them what’s possible with your own actions.

I consider myself lucky to be the son of two working parents, and the husband of a mom who does incredibly important work—and does it by choice.

There’s nothing diabolical about showing girls that they have that choice.


There are portions of the speech that might come off as anachronistic, though Butker’s take on Biden taking a “delusional” position of being pro-choice and Catholic is accurate. It might not be everyone’s liking, especially with college crowds, but who cares? Move on; it’s not like Butker is the face of the NFL. Some mockery has been funny, like the Chargers doing their 2024 schedule release video based on The Sims game, where Butker is seen alone in the kitchen. When an AFC West rival is getting mocked, you join in—I get that. 

Still, the outrage is overkill. You can not agree with his remarks, folks. It’s not like Butker’s speech means that every woman in Benedictine College’s 2024 class can no longer make their own choices. 

The issue I have here is the one that isn’t being talked about, which is how the feminist Left views women who have decided to become stay-at-home moms as traitors to the sisterhood and enablers of the patriarchy. Weren’t we defending women being allowed to make their own choices in life? And that’s why the hubbub over one commencement address is a joke. It circles back to liberals wanting choice but then attacking people who they feel made the wrong one. Those aren’t serious people; those are authoritarians.


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