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Hitler the Stand-Up Comedian

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Townhall Media


Low-Octane Gaslighting – POLITICO

  • Now appearing at The Comedy Store – Der Führer!

"Hitler ate most anything – But Not Sea Food!!!"

Michael Kruse has hit upon the latest aspect of former President Donald Trump that proves he is a Nazi, or fascist, or Hitler, or something. He tries to claim that Trump telling jokes and using humor while giving his speeches not only normalizes his extremism – it is the playbook used by the Nazis, Mussolini, and Stalin!

Kruse spoke with a number of historians who declared that these authoritarians were known to use humor at times during their reins. Also, this is a tactic used by another group. That would be…EVERYONE.

But, thank you, Mr. Kruse, for this latest example of "You know who else had a dog? HITLER!"


The publicly funded broadcaster has a show called "Left, Right & Center" (which, as expected, is really Left, Left, & Left) hosted by David Greene. To get a sense of the leanings of the avowed objective show, a recent episode was concerning the election, with both parties having established their candidates. Greene took an approach that was rather far from center, let's just say:

Here’s my question. I, as a journalist, believe in democracy. I support democracy. I believe in a free press. I believe in democracy. I believe that Donald Trump is very transparently and pretty brazenly, um, acting anti-democratic in a lot of ways right now. Can you believe in democracy without being pro-Biden?

Race to the Bottom – ASSOCIATED PRESS

In a case of an officer being acquitted for the shooting death of a driver, the AP placed the racial dynamics behind the case prominently in the headline and the post promoting its report.

You need to read well over a dozen paragraphs into the article before we learn the college student prompted a police response when he attempted to steal a phone from a cellular dealer using a weapon, assaulted a Lyft driver, stole their car, led police on a 30-minute car chase, collided with another vehicle, and was shot after lunging at an officer with a knife.

Also nestled deep in the article on the racial police shooting was this nugget of information:

The case caught the attention of the local NAACP and the Rev. Al Sharpton, but race was not raised as a factor in the shooting during the trial.

Both Kinds of Standards – POLITICO

  • Are we not loudly decrying the interference thing anymore?

Last week, New York Senator Chuck Schumer turned more than a few heads when he boldly declared that the state of Israel needed to hold new elections to have Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu removed from office to curtail that country's war effort. Jonathan Martin addresses this stance and has some pointedly sharp words for the Jewish elected leader.

Just harken back to all the previous times we saw reporters loudly braying about interference in our elections from foreign players. It sounds rather acceptable, however, when it is us doing the meddling abroad.

Pulitzer Prize Nomination – INSIDE EDITION

  • A concerning development for the leader of the free world, or the latest hot footwear trend?!

It was noticed recently that the president was seen walking not with the expected dress shoes but a far more informal pair of sneakers. It was later discovered these are called boat anchor lifestyle shoes designed to provide stability for a problem walker.

At Inside Edition, senior correspondent Les Trent reports on the new shoe choice, and he even tries on a pair to give us the specs!


"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature covering the nation's deeply flawed aspects of journalism, where Brad Slager looks to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


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